When you are in this Twelve Stepping deal for while – intensely working with other alcoholics you realized that everyone who says that they want to stop drinking are telling the truth. Sometimes the self-pity we see and hear is nothing more than that - nothing more than the cries of a person who has a hot torch on his ass.
We haven't even gotten that far yet with Dave. As far as we know Dave doesn't really even consider his problem that serious. But that could be a verbal manifestation of his male bravado - ego talking.
Prospects are supposed to not want to drink as much as they do – they know what you want to hear when asked that question but they haven’t the complete honesty to say, “Hell no. I love my Budweiser man! I just want the problem drinking has caused me to go away.”
They want that Holy Alcoholic Trinity: The girl, the car and the job. Mobility, Prestige, Money and Pussy.
I don’t know if Dave is going to fall into this category. We cannot know. Hell we don’t know if he even needs this drastic solution that I might offer him.
I do know that I have no one with whom
to work this week and I am going to have to get cracking on another poor soul if this Dave fellow does work out.
There is a fellow named Gary who actually told me the truth. Heck out the link to my main blog and do a "search" for "GARY" if interested in reading about it. It is one interesting story.
I will post all this week as I turn the knobs up to eleven to obtain more leads and convert them into prospects. I’ll also continue to call David. Stay tuned and I’ll update frequently.
Danny S - RLRA