Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dirty Deeds

Step One - Done Dirt Cheap

Rockin' and Prospectin'

Went to see AC-DC last night at Gillette Stadium. Not only were the seats right up front on the field of the stadium but the best part of the evening was on the trip driving up. The opportunity to twelve step someone cropped up.

Took him through Step One right in the car.

The drive from The Peninsula of Doom to Foxboro, Massachusetts - one and a half hours. Perfect - maybe even a little roomy, time-wise, for a Step One.

Here is how it went:
Talk about being in good physical shape . At age fifty four Angus Young has got more energy than many twenty five year olds I see working at the Cape Cod Mall; whose bellies cast ecliptic shadows over size fourteen Nikes. Why are there so many fat, I mean seriously obese people . . .  on Cape Cod anyway? I mean really.  I have never seen anything like it. (More on that after I lose five or ten myself.)

The Scottish born guitar icon took his Black lacquered SG to . . . . oh wait . . . .this is about alcoholism, not a rock show review, right.
          Sorry. . . .I had to explain to Charlie what I know about alcoholism – what it’s ‘symptoms’ are and how they manifest. I know allot. Have to. It's part of what "carrying this message" is all about. I also know from experience that the best way to do this is conversationally – the one-drunk-talking-to another method. Not off a handout. Not out of a guidebook. Not  out of an essay like those published in the 12 & 12. Not even writing to a blog readership either. (This blog is not Twelve Step work)

It  is illustrated in the Big Book that one-on-one is the only way -  and I have found it to be so too. Everyone I know who is in this deal tells me this is their experience as well. 'Mass' sponsoring like at some Holy Roller healing bazaar, but from a podium, bullshitting ones self that this is the way to "carry the message",  is not how the co-founders describe “Working With Others" in their book.
Lecturing to him about allergy and obsession alone cannot do it either – and that isn’t very conversational. He’ll feel preached to. 
Taking a tutorial stance is OK in some instances as long as the reception room door leading to the real solution has been unlocked first.  So I start giving examples in my own life where I could not stop once I started and couldn't “not start” even though I needed to “not start”.

That's what I did with our friend Charlie on the way to see AC/DC.

Guess what happened?

He couldn't match my experiences! Not in the slightest. Charlie drank in order to raise the liquid courage to do something he really felt bad about:


He never continued drinking once he got the crack. The prognosis? Charlie is not an alcoholic. Not because I told him he wasn't - but because he could see that he isn't.  I merely showed him how to  make "the distinction between the alcoholic and the nonalcoholic." (44:0) as my Big Book tells me to do.

Now if I was charging him money for this I wouldn’t want to let him go at this point – not before I got to swipe his credit card anyway or clean out his checking account – or maybe even get his timid, not so swift but loving grandma to take out a loan on her house to pay me ten or twenty or forty grand for a month of share-sessions, piss tests and making posters.

 If you have ever witnessed a 'sales close' during the in-take admittance of a treatment center you would instantly recognize and be able to make the comparison with the "intake"  and the manager’s office at the local car dealer. No difference.

I can tell you of instances where folks - one woman in particular comes to mind - who was run through the local facility, Gosnold, here on Cape Cod not once or twice but three times that I know of and possibly even more after relapsing immediately upon release and exiting Gosnold's treatment facility. Unconscionable! The greed and arrogance of the people running that facility is astounding. It ought to be investigated by the Massachusetts Attorney General's office. Why was she rerun through time after time after time - probably even against the facilities own written and apparently scoffed policies?

The answer is simple: Uh, she was not out of money yet! 
And she was desperate enough to be willing to pay it. Desperate people do desperate things and too often there is someone standing there waiting to exploit that simple human fact. ANYONE can become a certified alcoholic or drug addict if they just show up and write a check and suffer a few months of   easy multiple choice testing. Thus kind of stuff is not limited to The Peninsula of Doom either. It is all over over the country. If the check does not bounce no one is going to tell them any different. I have NEVER heard of anyone getting a refund from ANY treatment center because the administrators and counselor discovered that they were not real alcoholics and therefor could not help them. And I am quite certain I never will.

If I were a money charging "addictions cousleor" what I would do now is tell Charlie,
"Charlie I can still help - and you can still pay- because even though I only have the solution for and the experience with alcoholism and you are not an alcoholic but a drug addict . . . . guess what? ALCOHOL IS NOW A DRUG. We can still do business! Yippee Ai Oh Ty Ay! Now lets start running that short stack of credit cards you have there. . . K?"
Well there is some difference. If you relapse after the treatment people deliver their goods to you the treatment center will not give you a refund and will incredibly tell you it’s YOUR fault -- whereas the car dealer will be forced by their own good business practices, not to mention the Attorney General's office, to make good on the product sold. Treatment Centers will even exploit your desperate state by informing you of this beforehand.

Can you imagine a car dealer telling you, "Now listen Mr. Jones after you pay for this vehicle we will do all we can to see that you get it but frankly, you may never actually take delivery - and even if you do it the car might just up and disappear one day. If it does,there are no refunds."

You would have to be puh. . . ritty desperate to engage in the transaction with a disclaimer like that one, wouldn't you? I believe that is called adding insult to injury or maybe in this case the reverse: Injury THEN insult.

You know . . . there is nothing like desperation – the flames of raw and terrorized emotions tearing through a life and family as hot and deadly as flames and smoke through a South Bronx tenement.

Then again I am not twelve stepping Charlie to screw him out of his money, am I ?

So what does Charlie think about this ? Well, Charlie is very perceptive. Finally, after a couple of countless AA meetings and decades of bull-doodie, POP-AA indoctrination, he figures then that he is not real alcoholic - not the kind described in the Big Book, anyway.  Not the true alkie conveyed by "Alcoholics Anonymous  the eponymous spiritual volume for whom the Twelve Step Program was designed and painstakingly delineated in that book.

Charlie also recons he cannot stop going to AA meetings because it has become a social thing for him. He has no other friends who aren’t taking substances like EtOH or drugs and Charlie feels that he needs to secure himself among people who even though some of them may relapse once in a while, at least they are living inside periods of being clean and sober.

He just rotates them in and out of his social circle as they use - cleanup - use - cleanup and he says that he is able to remain clean and sober himself - by association.

Maybe he does. But now it seems our pal Charlie has got as AA meeting addicting to rise above. Now I guess we'll have to get together again to make sure Charlie knows the difference between an "Opened" and "Closed" meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Hey! I'm Twelve Stepping at a fraekin' AC/DC concert here - I should remember everything?


Danny S - RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic