Something strange happened today. Someone gave me a Fender Stratocaster that they found abandoned in a parking lot here on the Peninsula of Doom. It’s a black Fender with a white pick guard, has three single coil pickups, is duct taped over the volume knob and needs a major cleanup - but it seems definitely reparable to me. I plugged it into a 30 watt Peavey and played it. Not horrible tone.
But here’s the kicker it has got two patient ID stickers that read “Gosnold Treatment Center” on it. I shit you not. I have no idea what this means or if it means anything. I hate “looking for signs” and reading mystical stuff into everything and all that spooky stuff but there is definitely something odd about how this happened. All I can say is WTF?
I find it odd and strange that I just bought my son a new Les Paul -- that I am in the market for a new axe myself and here comes this piece our of nowhere and for free - an instrument that has obviously seen some heavy duty action and probably has a more elaborate drug history and seen the inside of more crack houses than a NYPD Bronx rookie assigned to the Four-Two in the Bronx PLUS I John Z just happens to be in the very same facility detuning ---- oh sorry, I mean detoxing in Gosnold, right now.
Once more - WTF?
But now the main story - John is staying for a month. I can't say that I thrilled with that prospect. John is not suffering from an illness that only a 28 day stay in a treatment center can conquer. What John has is an illness that only a spiritual awakening can conquer and unless he gets that, but soon, I'm afraid when he comes out of "treatment" he won't fell bad enough to go to that drastic length. I've seen it a hundred times. DAMN! And I like John too!
Here is the email I that I have just received from Mary:
"Hey Danny, John is at Gosnold till tom. he left me a message he was going to Catumet for 30 days his counselor got him in.He got away with yet another Christmas (no gifts) only kidding
I can only pretend to be thrilled with this idea.
Tomorrow: Why I wish John would not stay for thirty days.
Danny S - RLRA
Real Live Recovered Alcoholic